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Created/Written/Produced/Directed by: Magali Gauthier, Attila Kállai

Tagline: ...When You Are Hot, Young, Poor & A Filmmaker!

Series Synopsis: "The Art Of..." is a webseries involving two characters; Attila Kállai as Himself & Magali Gauthier as Herself who are broke filmmakers; but their financial situation doesn't stop them from being creative! Based on their real life events; or are their real life events, is shownthrough these short webisodes. How it all started? Attila and Magali applied for a live/work art studio to share as a home and office. Since they are filmmakers they thought that the best way to apply was to create a video presenting themselves and their work; that's how the first episode was born: a video application made in less than twenty four hours! Follow Attila & Magali's adventures through a little fun; without being pretentious.

Number of Webisodes: 5

Technical details: Experimental, Comedy, Reality - English, French - Canada - Black, White, Color.

Webseries / Experimental


Webisode 1: Applying
Webisode 2: Frightnight
Webisode 3: Remote
Webisode 4: Intimate & Gross
Webisode 5: La Vida Loca
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